Book Review Policy

Crokes publishes reviews of books on their blog. Book reviews are written by the Reviewer, who is a contributer to the Crokes website.

Crokes accepts submissions of books (published or pending publication) for review. Additionally, the Reviewer reviews books at their own discretion, based on their own personal reading. The Reviewer is a passionate reader of fiction and non-fiction works, and aims to review a diverse range of titles.

Review Submission Guidelines

Both electronic and hard-copy books are acceptable for submission. Submitted books can include a published manuscript, a review copy or an ARC/eARC. Submissions for review must be made by the author, publisher or publicist of the book.

Electronic copies must be in PDF or ePub format.

Hard copies can be paperback or hardcover, and must be mailed by post at the submitter’s cost to Australia. If you wish for us to review a physical copy, please contact us first with the details of the book. If the submission is accepted, Crokes will be in contact to discuss postage details.

Both traditionally published and self-published books will be considered for review.

Books from most genres will be considered, although the Reviewer is particularly interested in the following genres:

Fiction (adult, new adult and YA):

  • contemporary fiction
  • literary fiction
  • fantasy
  • mystery
  • books set in Australia or written by Australian authors

The Reviewer is open to considering poetry collections, verse novels, graphic novels, short story collections and novellas in addition to standard novels.


  • self development
  • productivity
  • social science
  • health
  • Australian history

Books in these categories will not be considered for review under any circumstance:

  • cookbooks
  • books in languages other than English
  • books that have been Refused Classification, or rated as Category 1 or Category 2 Restricted by the Australian Classification Board or the Australian Classification Review Board

Each submission is considered on a case-by-case basis. The reviewer retains the right to refuse to review a book for any reason, even if it does not come from one of the excluded categories.

Guaranteed Book Review Service

If you’d like to ensure that Crokes will review your book, we offer a guaranteed book review service. This guarantees that your book will be reviewed, though please note it does not guarantee a positive review. We are dedicated to providing honest and transparent feedback.

To proceed with the guaranteed service, you can choose one of the following:

  • For ebooks, a fee of $25 AUD per book, payable via PayPal
  • For physical books, simply arrange to ship the book to Australia at your own expense

To set up this service, please email us directly at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to assist you.

How Books Are Reviewed/Rated

All Crokes reviews are the honest opinions of the Reviewer, and will strive to be constructive where neccesary. Crokes is a platform about the discussion and sharing of stories and ideas, and every book reviewed will be considered based on merit. Each review will indicate whether a review copy was provided or not, and will have an informal tone.

Each review is published on the Crokes blog, which will also be shared to the global feed of Crokes as a pinned post for a few weeks after publishing. We cannot guarantee that a review will be published on any particulat date. Please note that the book review schedule is typically every second Monday, and reviews will posted when the next free slot is avaliable. Due to time constraints, the Reviewer may need to postpone a review during busy periods.

Each review contains a brief summary or blurb from the book. Then the book is reviewed and analysed based on the following components:

Fiction: storyline/plot, characters, writing.

Non-fiction: quality of information, writing.

These components are discussed in detail.

Books are also given a rating out of 5 stars. The meaning of stars is defined for Crokes reviews as this:

5 stars – Excellent, highest amount of enjoyment, minimal amount of constructive feedback

4 stars – Good, high amount of enjoyment, some constructive feedback

3 stars – Ok, mixed enjoyment or mostly apathetic reaction, negative feedback

2 stars – Dislike, mostly did not enjoy, negative feedback

1 star – Strongly dislike, no enjoyment at all with a severe amount of negative feedback

A book that the Reviewer chooses to not finish will be given a DNF (did not finish) status, and no star rating (an assumed rating of 0 out of 5 stars).

Submit Book for a Review