If you’re reading this article, you likely know that getting into reading is good for you. As literacy rates start to decline in the Western world and are attention spans continue to decrease, it is important to start reading now. We know it’s not easy, so if you are having trouble getting started consult our […]
If you’re a reader on the internet, you probably are familiar with TikTok’s book community. It’s unavaouidable, especially ecause every online and physical book store is now dedicating most of their sales and marketing to BookTok books. We have already discussed some of our problems with BookTok in the past, but it bears repeating: BookTok […]
When social media has us all constantly wired and stressed, reading novels and fiction isn’t just a nice pastime—it’s essential. If you care about your mental and emotional well-being, you better start cracking open those books. Not just non-fiction or self development books either (although we love those too), I’m talking about fiction. The advantages […]
For many people social media is becoming an anxiety-enducing time-sucking void. It feels like more of a drain than a benefit. As research (published in books, of course) is coming out about the long term effects of social media usage in Gen Z and potentially Gen Alpha, alternatives are needed. You want to stop scrolling, […]
In 1988, author Salman Rushdie published his novel The Satanic Verses and recieved a bounty on his head. This caused him to live the next 30 years under fear, security and various levels of secrecy. With the call for his death never being formally revoked, Rushdie always lived at risk of death. In 2022, death […]
An international exhibition of work by pseudonymous British street artist Banksy, called “Without Limits: The Art of Banksy”, is currently touring. The exhibition claims to amass hundreds of artworks collected over the years. The exhibition is completely unaffiliated and publicly unendorsed by Banksy himself, who is against his work being used for profit. If you […]
Warren Buffett, the legendary investor, is known not only for his financial acumen but also for his voracious reading habits. Buffet’s reading regimen is considered one of the keys to his success. He himself speaks frequently of how he spends most of his day reading. We previously mentioned Buffet’s intense reading habit in our post […]
BookTok has a problem with minors. The popular book-focused TikTok community is harmful for children and teens because it exposes them to multiple risks under the guise of a wholesome environment. You may think that a book-focused community would be beneficial in this digital age. After all, shouldn’t we encourage the younger generations to read? […]
We have a lot of content competing for our attention every day, and it’s hard to read with so many distractions around. You’ve likely developed bad reading habits that you’re not proud of, such as ignoring your book for long periods of time. But reading has lots of benefits, like making you smarter, more understanding, […]
What is the correlation between reading and success? Why do so many top leaders and thinkers continue to read, when most of the world has shifted to other forms of content? Focused, longform reading is a rare skill in 2024. Due to decades of technological improvements, the average person can feel their attention span decreasing. […]