Bridgerton Season 3 Controversy: Why Fans Are Mad About Francesca’s Queer Reveal

Bridgerton Season 3 Controversy. Netflix on TV screen in the living room.

The second part of the highly anticipated Bridgerton season 3 has just dropped on Netflix. In response, dedicated fans of the show have been left reeling over a last-minute shock revelation. This season has faced more criticism than most. This is for its odd rollout, multiple concurrent storylines, and the portrayal of its romantic main plot. But the main Bridgerton season 3 controversy is not about any of those. In fact, it is the revelation that an upcoming romantic relationship plot was going to feature a queer subplot. This significantly changes the show from the books that originally inspired it. So why is everyone up in arms about this?

Who is Francesca Bridgerton?

In the Bridgerton series of novels written by Julia Quinn, Francesca Bridgerton is one of the daughters of the Bridgerton family, the main characters of the series. She is a recurring character in most novels but has her own love story in the novel When He Was Wicked. Francesca’s story is complex. She first marries her soulmate John, who sadly passes away. Then she develops a new relationship with another man, Michael, after her husband’s death.

In the Netflix adaptation, Francesca’s story has not been a main plot yet. So far, the focus has been on her older siblings Daphne, Anthony, and Colin. But as of the end of season 3, she has met John and the foundations of their lovely relationship have been well established.

As Francesca was introduced on the show, knowledgeable viewers were waiting for the introduction of Michael. However, the end of season 3 did not introduce the audience to Michael, but to Michaela. Complete with swelling romantic music and a gobsmacked stare from Francesca, this clearly communicated to the audience that this will become Francesca’s new love interest.

How a Gender-Swap Has Infuriated Audiences

With this last-minute bombshell thrown at the audience, social media was set ablaze. Diehard Bridgerton novel fans were outraged at this change. Even those who declare themselves pro-LGBT chimed in. This was because Michael, the book character, is a fan favourite who is regularly praised and adored by the book’s fans. Fans consider Michael one of, if not the best, male leads in the series. By gender-swapping Michael, Bridgerton has significantly altered a beloved character that fans wanted to stay intact. The Bridgerton season 3 controversy has thus sparked a fierce debate among viewers.

But it is not only the loss of Michael that has angered audiences. The change significantly changes Francesca’s character by association. This is a woman who, in the book, was generally considered to be heterosexual by the reader. Book Francesca had no history of same-sex attraction. However, tv-Francesca’s sexuality has changed, as her attraction to a woman would now make her canonically lesbian, bisexual or similar. This is a shattering change to make, with implications about how this affects Francesca’s personality and outlook on life.

The introduction of Michaela also undermines Francesca’s relationship with her husband John. Francesca is shown to really care for John on the show. Being the more active half of the relationship, she seeks out his company above all others and advocates for him to her own mother.

By the end of season 3, Francesca is happily married to a man she seems to adore. But Michaela’s introduction, in an overwhelming passionate way that Francesca has never felt before, brings with it the implication that her relationship with John is illegitimate or lesser. This contrasts from the book, which portrays Francesca’s relationships with both John and Michael as being highly important to her.

The Bad Choice To Also Make Benedict Bridgerton Queer

Bridgerton has not stopped there with the sudden queer revelations though. Less talked about, but with the same high stakes involved, was the inclusion of a bisexual plotline for Francesca’s older brother Benedict. This has created debate around how this will end up affecting Benedict’s main plotline when it’s his turn to be the main character. It is uncertain when that will be.

The series has already deviated from the books by so far skipping Benedict’s story. To the point whereby his main love interest has not yet been introduced. In the books, Benedict was straight and married a woman. But with the precedent now set by Michaela, Bridgerton is likely to continue to gender swap characters to queer up the narrative. This contributes to the growing Bridgerton season 3 controversy.

Too Many Changes: The Problems Caused by Changing Everything

Bridgerton has so far tried to create a modernised adaptation of Julia Quinn’s books. Since the beginning it chose to deviate strongly from the original books. This was first by featuring black and brown characters anachronistically in a Regency England setting. While historically inaccurate, many fans and onlookers (including the author of this piece) were willing to accept this artistic license change for an alternate universe “what-if” historical fantasy fiction premise. Particularly because the actors of colour worked hard to portray the spirit of their characters well. Even if they are not the correct race, fans have considered the portrayal of Kate by Simone Ashley and of Simon by Regé-Jean Page as well-executed.

But, over time, Bridgerton has continued to alter and change so many aspects, to the point that the series has long departed from the books. The introduction of Queen Charlotte was another key one. A character not in the books but whose importance has extended to her own prequel series! As well, the reordering of plotlines, the reduction of intimate and romantic scenes over the course of the series, and now the introduction of queer Bridgertons now leave the fans questioning if the show has gone too far. This questioning and frustration have only fueled the Bridgerton season 3 controversy further.

Fans of books often fear the changes that will come from an adaptation. Changes are inevitable for time, pacing, and medium considerations. But it is always when an adaptation goes too far and changes the spirit of the story that it is guaranteed to fail. And this is becoming the final straw in the Bridgerton season 3 controversy.

Why A Queer Bridgerton Is A Horrible Idea

The spirit of the Bridgerton novels is a story about a noble family, whereby each sibling gets their passionate love story and happily ever after in the world of Regency England – which includes the norms, social standards, and customs of that time period. Once you have stripped away so much of that world that it is no longer recognisable, the story is lost.

Inserting queer stories in a decidedly non-queer environment doesn’t work. At this point, it is clear that the Bridgerton crew are creating a modern, 21st-century romance that happens to have everyone in historical-looking cosplay. It is not a historical romance. It is a fraud. It is inserting an agenda and narrative where it did not exist, where it does not belong, and where it destroys the original story that fans love. This is at the heart of the Bridgerton season 3 controversy.

The fans have already made their grievances clear. However, the Bridgerton crew has already spoken out about how proud they are of their new direction. It is clear they are content to continue changing the Bridgerton story, to mangle it beyond recognition. For the genuine fans, this is a real tragedy.

If you want to voice your displeasure at this unfaithful adaptation, you are welcome to join us on Crokes for a censorship-free discussion where you can truly speak your mind.

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